Crowd Funding News
Listed companies tend to be involved in consumer-facing enterprises, such as brewing, food production, and apparel manufacturing. By accessing the equity of privately held companies through an Initial Public Offering (IPO), small investors can now enter the market for these stocks simultaneously as institutional investors. When Handbid was created, the team had a vision of creating a site to connect people who needed something with others who wanted to give it. Instead of just promoting your event, consider having a very simple banner ad that asks a question. For example, “Wondering how you can help…” The banner ad can link to your explanatory blog post. This will also help you understand how effective the banner ad campaign is. If you have the means, create a video (or a series) that can be posted to YouTube. In fact, it could be members of your organization talking about why they are putting on this event, what it means to them, and what they are hoping to achieve. Blog posts are ...